Biden’s Drone Policy: an Explosive Blast from the Past
President Biden had signed a new drone policy, said to limit counter-terrorism drone strikes which take place outside of conventional war zones. This policy departs from the previously loosened status of the former President Trump’s approach to the War on Terror. The policy codifies the limits that the admin put in place following his inauguration in January 2021. These limits, namely in the form of requiring the CIA and military to obtain White House permission to attack suspected terrorists where there is limited ground troops, have been implemented in the hope of reducing civilian risks. Overall, this new policy calls for fewer drone strikes and greater consideration for civilians caught in the crossfire. A seemingly hopeful departure from Trump’s “ take out their families ” approach. Although a promising step forward, there are a few things to consider: Following the aftermath of Trump’s counterterrorism policy, where there was a certain free for all and a sentiment of “...